Friday, December 14, 2012

December 14, 2012- Ava gives her heart

Right when I was feeling like everything in life is impossible, this miracle happens:

 I was sitting reading a book to Ava and Jackson and leaned over to tell Ava that after I laid Jackson down for a nap that we would work on making our magnetic nativity set. She said, "Like for baby Jesus? I love Jesus. I want him to come into my heart." It took me completley off gaurd. We have always talked to her about it but I never expected her at this age to not only get it, but to desire it.

We walked down the stairs, Chris was able to take a 15 min break, and we prayed. She told us that she wanted Jesus in her heart becuase she knew He loved her and she loved him too. It was right there in that moment that the chaos of life stopped and it was perfect. We have all been so excited that we even baked a cake to celebrate. She said, "I love how Jesus knows I like to be a ballerina."

Boom! God gave me a promise before Jackson was born that out of him would flow "rivers of living water". The thing is that God's not done there. There are now and still are lives to be exposed to who God is through this story. Jackson's heart beats to a different rhythm. He is rare in the medical world and to those that know him know that he is one special little boy. We weren't just placed in this situation to save a heart. We were given a "broken hearted" little boy to heal those that don't even know their heart is missing something.

So as we continue to share, to fight, and to see lives changed, we ask that you stand with us. Here is the very real side of where we are at. Here comes the humility and vulnerbility.... Lord have mercy!

Places here within mostly a 30 minute drive to the hospital are:

$1400 to $1600 a month (nothing fancy, just super basic 2 to 3 bedrooms in a safe nieghborhood- This is still being conservative- welcome to wanting to live close to a top notch hospital)

1600 x 12= $19, 200, add in a few deposits and roughly we are at $20, 000 in rent expenses this next year. Add the growing medical bills that keep coming to that and will continue to throughout the year and ouch..... it hurts! Just trying to give you a clearer picture of some of the numbers we look at.

Being here with the top doctors is what Jackson needs. I can assure you that we have given this all we have. As the Lord leads, please help us. I believe that as much as the Lord directs, He also desires for us to lay our very specific needs before Him and before others. How do people know how to help if we don't declare the need? Please join us in prayer that the deposits for a new place and the peace to financially committ to this next year would come. So hard to fight this fight, but to Him be the glory for every single detail and every roadblock that we overcome!

Thank you for standing with us! Lives are being changed!

1 comment:

  1. I am so blessed. I love singing to her and then Jackson: 'Into my heart, into my heart, come into my heart Lord Jesus' Her eys would light up, she would try to follow the words and the hand signals. Tell her, Grammy is singing singing singing now, but also.. tell her ALL the Angels are singing in heaven!! What a special day!
