Thursday, February 21, 2013

A stolen Car

After months of debating whether or not to stay here at our place, we have multiple times settled on our apartment being the right place for us now. Everytime that we come to that conclusion, something stops us dead in our tracks. This last week has been one hard slap after another as we have battled through some very difficult battles. Some of which have dealt with Jackson, others that have been with family issues, and now we face the most current slap.... a stolen car!

We came home last night from our church small group and parked on the 4th floor of our gated, 24 hour security watched apartment garage. We spent a little bit of time talking about a phone call that I had gotten earlier in the evening and how we felt it had solidified the purpose of us being where we are at. With our lease only awaitng Chris' signatures this morning, I left to take the kids out for just a bit and found our car was not in the garage. I have to admit that my first reaction was actually laughter becuase the thought of it just seemed ridiculous.

The amount of stuff on our plate at the moment seems impossible but perspective changes everything. Daily Chris and I are faced with the reality that 2013 could be the year we lose something much more valuable than a car. With each passing moment we live in a world where the things we hold most precious are not a guarentee. The theif took our car, our money, our car seats, and the little bit of togetherness I started with today. The theif robbed us of a physical means to make our life function the way we need it to. But, I do beleive that the ultimate Theif is attempting to steal much more.

Well, that's just not going to happen in our house.  I am going to spend the afternoon soaking up precious times with my kiddos, enjoy tucking them into bed tonight, and then I am going to get on my knees with my husband. Petty theives can take my car, selfishness can cause foolish acts, but nothing can steal me from the plans the Lord has for us. Now, if only we knew the plans??? But, I don't have to know, I just need to be willing and committed to whatever the Lord has for us.

Would you join us in prayer as we make decisons about where to live, how to handle our car situation, and that God would continue to provide as we travel through the giant waves in our life? If you haven't been able to yet, please join us on our new facebook page as well so you can see more picutres, videos, and up to date info on all of Jackson's adventures!/FightingForJackson. Thanks for coming along with us!


  1. Just remember Genesis 22:14 where God told Abraham to go sacrifice Isaac, but as he was about to make the sacrifice, God told him to stop, because He had provided a ram for Abraham to sacrifice instead because Abraham had been faithful to listen and obey God. Abraham named the place Yahweh-Yireh, because the Lord will provide. You and Chris are two of the most faithful people I know, especially in this situation, seeking God's peace, counsel, and guidance, it may be hard to swallow at the moment because of our human nature, but God will provide in His perfect timing! I will be praying for you guys!! I pray wisdom, peace, patience, guidance, and that you feel His presence every step of the way in JESUS NAME!

  2. you guys are so amazing. i just cant even imagine what a wreck i'd be! praying for you and your sweet family :)

  3. I'll be praying for you guys! My parents went through a crazy situation like this too, when we were little my dad lost his job, then our landlord kicked us out of our house because he needed a place to stay, and then our car got stolen... we were living in motels and with family members and it lasted a couple years. I know it was terrible for my parents, especially with three little kids... but God always came out faithful. If you really question why the Lord allows it, what's so great is it that the answer can't come back negative. Negative things are happening but God does not have a negative purpose. Why in the world did He allow your car to be stolen? Because the outcome of that car being stolen is going to be far greater than if He just allowed your car to stay put. He has a plan that is so grand and so wonderful and sooo beautiful! All the things that are happening are within His control.... and the One who is in control of everything is utterly in love with you, and Chris and Ava and Jackson!!!

  4. Thank you for sharing your heart and life in the medium of written word on this blog. I believe this is part of your obedience and glorification (pretty sure that isn't a word, but I'll go with it) to God in this season. Each time I read an entry I am so encouraged and spurned on to obedience in my own life. It may seem so futile and fruitless to go through so many trials in the last few years, but I can assure you that your life of obedience to God is and will make resounding impacts for His Kingdom. Jackson's life has made a tremendous impact on this world already through these words you've written. thank you.
