I found myself at the library this morning searching for books for Ava when I found a few great books for myself. One that I picked out specifically because of the title is called, Facing your Giants by Max Lucado. I began reading it and immediately I knew, this was the book God had chosen for me in this season. I highly urge everyone to pick up a copy at your library or anywhere else. You will not be disappointed!
For me, I am facing my biggest giant. It’s called fear. I told Chris long before all of this that I feel like I could recover from just about anything other than having one of my children die in my arms. How do you bounce back from that? The second the doctors told us about Jackson, fear like I have never felt before took over. I had no other choice but to move forward. Every day science tells me that I will hold my child lifeless in my arms, but faith tells me to push on and believe.
David faced Goliath. He not only faced him, but scripture (I Samuel 17:48) tells us that he ran to Goliath. David saw what others didn’t and refused to see what others did. He could physically see Goliath just like any other man waiting on the sidelines, but he saw God more so. When everyone around him talked tactics and impossibilities, David discussed nothing else but God. He wasted no time on odds, but was focused on what He knew God could do. David’s life is a roller coaster of ups and downs. He had moments of faith and moments of great failure, yet God still called him a man after His own heart. What an incredible title.
We each have a choice, are we God focused or “giant” focused?
God, grant me the strength to see you even in times where everyone else sees the impossible. As David ran to meet Goliath, his brothers covered their eyes in fear and Goliath laughed. God, regardless of what others may think or say, may Chris & I run to our greatest fears with confidence because you are more than able. Thank you because you are faithful.
The battle is on, the war is raging.