Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 28, 2011 (Day 102) So close…

So much has taken place in the last week that we have found ourselves too busy to even sit down and write out the events that have taken place. Late Tuesday evening (August 23rd) I began feeling consistent contractions that led me to call the hospital and rush in to be monitored. I was in the Houston at that time with only Ava and my Dad, so we made the call to Chris to jump in the car. I was admitted into the hospital and there began one of the most stressful and emotional parts of the journey thus far. As I laid there in a small bedroom hooked up to multiple monitors I looked around and thought, “Why God, just simply why?” I spent the next two and half hours waiting for my husband to get there all the time thinking about what was going to happen if he didn’t make it in time. The very sight of him walking around the curtain was probably the best present I have ever received. I spent the next two nights in the hospital under close observation as we received the news that I am now 5 cm dilated but still not in active labor.

We were discharged from the hospital on Thursday where we then went to the Ronald McDonald house. We were able to find an apartment in the medical area that will give us a consistent home away from home rather than living out of a suitcase. We are to stay within a few mile radius of the hospital because when it’s time, it’s going to be quick! We spent the weekend amongst lots of family as Chris’ parents flew in and most of my family had made the drive up from Austin to be with us. I wanted to post some pictures of our time together over the last week.

In between these snapshot moments have been very deeply emotional times. The stress of rushing to the hospital, being on edge as to how he will be delivered safely, and trying to do what’s best for our family have led to many tears along the way. It has been and will continue to be a very difficult and exhausting battle. As I fight against the feelings of inadequacies as a mother, I look at these moments captured by our camera along the way and it gives me hope that one day our life will be somewhat normal again. That there will be days without tears and heartbreak.  I long for the day to see Jackson’s face and hold his sweet little body. Every day is an upward climb and fatigue has set in, but I know that we are mere days away from seeing the next chapter of our lives. 

 My favorite visitor to the hospital!
 Taking time to thank the awesome nurses that kept me pregnant for a bit longer!
 Discharged from the hospital and at the Ronald McDonald House.
 A little family time in between moving locations.
 Learning to ice skate with Daddy.
 Found cute elf pajamas for Jackson at the mall.... love Crazy8 kids clothes!
 Having contractions, but my favorite buddy is reading me a story!
 Rainforest Cafe!
 My sister and I at lunch.


  1. What an exciting yet terrifying time this must be. Thankfully you have the Lord to trust and rely on who's strength is made perfect in our weakness. Love you and PRAYING for you all! :)

  2. I am SO glad you posted! Whew! I just want to tell you, FYI: I was in labor 11 hours with Chloe. Then, they made me push for one. They finally decided to have an emergency c-section which I had to sit for 45 minutes (due to someone else's huge emergency) to wait for the operation... and Chloe turned out fine (well, minus the lil congenital stuff)! Don't sweat it when you're laboring. They know what they're doing.

    You can do it!

    Also, will your husband be updating the blog when you deliver (really hoping it's a yes, so I know when to start sending hospital mail for Jackson)?

    Oh! And don't forget to write down each employee's name, title, and the nice thing they did for you so that you can send a compliment for them through the TCH website. I mean, I was complimenting everyone from the janitor to the NICU nurses.

  3. oh friend! i've been deep in the village in northern uganda, with no internet access!!! i read you were in the hospital right before we left and then had no way of checking in! have been dying for an update! glad everything is ok! amazing how God is working out all the details, even down to a place to stay near the hospital! miss you all! killing me not to be there!!! I Love You! Can't wait to see little Jackson's face! :)

  4. Thanks for keeping us updated! Our family has been praying diligently for you and yours. We are anxiously awaiting the birth of your little miracle, and can't wait to see all the things God has in store for your family!

  5. Kathryn you are a beautiful picture of God's strength. SO grateful your family is there with you! Can't wait to see pictures of your little man. : )


    Amber Halpin

  6. And OH MY GOSH! I JUST realized who your husband is. Wow! Chris with all the crazy curly hair. I used to make fun of him at the Bible study at his parents house when I was like...eleven....twelve? Oh my gosh. I am tickled pink.

    Love (again),

